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Purchasing via PayPal

We recommend, whenever possible, purchasing with a credit or debit card through our website. It is the cheapest and quickest purchasing option available.

If you still wish to purchase via PayPal, please note there is flat fee of $15 or £10 per product to cover administration and shipping. If you are in Europe then VAT will also be added to the prices listed below.

Steps to ordering

  1. If you do not already have a Xara Online account please create one. Setting up an account is free, but it must be done before ordering so that we can add your purchase to your account.
  2. Select the product you require then your country from the lists below. If your country is not listed, then PayPal does not currently support payments from your country and you should try to find a local reseller.
  3. When you press continue you will be transferred to the PayPal site where it will list the total product amount, and the $15/£10 delivery/administration fee. Please note: if you are in a country that requires VAT to be applied, this will be added after you log into to PayPal.
  4. Please ensure that your PayPal email address is the same as you Xara Online account's address. If it isn't, please include the appropriate email address with the payment in the 'Message to Seller' box.

Currency: US Dollar   British Pound