Xara Webster - Skewing Objects


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Dropping Skewed Copies of Objects

When you skew an object, you can drop copies of it as you skew it.

  1. Select the object you want to skew.
  2. Click on the selected object to put the selection handles in Rotate/Skew mode.
  3. Start to drag one of the skew handles and keep the mouse button held down.
  4. Skew to the angle where you want to drop a copy and press and release the right mouse button.

Skewing Objects Without Skewing their Fill

You can skew an object so that the fill in the object stays still. You can see in this picture, the polygon has been skewed, but the brick fill has not been distorted.

  1. Select the object you want to skew.
  2. Click on the selected object to put the selection handles in Rotate/Skew mode.
  3. Start to drag one of the skew handles and keep the mouse button held down.
  4. Press and release the ' - ' key on the number keypad.
  5. Carry on skewing and release the mouse button when the object is at the right angle.

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