Xara Webster - Second animated GIF Tutorial

There's also a basic tutorial which shows you how to create a simple animated banner heading.

Xara Webster can export animated GIF files which contain several separate images rather than just one. Programs which support this type of file show each image one after the other with a set time delay between each.

Because many World Wide Web browsers (Netscape Navigator version 2 and Microsoft Internet Explorer 3) support animated GIFs, it is very easy to use Xara Webster to create animations for your WWW pages. Xara Webster displays images at a very high quality and has a wide range of dithering and palette options, so your animations will look great.

These pages are a tutorial for creating animated GIFs with Xara Webster.

  1. Designing the frames in Xara Webster.
  2. Creating an animated GIF from the frames.
  3. Tips for reducing the size of your animated GIF files.
  4. Options for animated GIFs.
  5. General considerations for good use of animated GIFs in your Web pages.

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