Xara Webster - Changing Bitmap Palettes

Colored bitmap Grayscale bitmap Re-colored bitmap Sepia bitmap

With Xara Webster, you can change the colors in any bitmap so they fade from one color to another. For example, you can change a bitmap so all the colors fade from white to black which turns any picture into a black and white picture. You could also easily create the sepia effect shown above.


To see a movie, click here.

To Change a Bitmap Palette

  1. Select the bitmap.
  2. From the Utilities menu, choose Color Editor.
  3. Choose the first color (the lighter color).
  4. Click the Fill/Line Switch in the Color Editor.
  5. Choose the second color.
Colored bitmap Sepia bitmap


  • You can create the sepia effect on the right by changing the first color (white) in the original to a cream color and the second (black) to a dark brown.

To Create a Grayscale Bitmap

You can easily create a black and white image from a color one by changing the bitmap palette to use black and white.
  1. Select the color bitmap.
  2. From the Utilities menu, choose Color Editor.
  3. Ensure the Fill/Line Switch is not pressed in.
  4. Change the color to white.
Colored bitmap Grayscale bitmap

Setting the Colors Back to Normal

If you have changed the colors in a bitmap, you can easily set them back to how they were originally.
  1. Select the colored bitmap.
  2. From the Utilities menu, choose Color Editor.
  3. Click the No Color button in the Color Editor.
  4. Click the Fill/Line Switch in the Color Editor.
  5. Click the No Color button again.
Grayscale bitmap Colored bitmap

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© Copyright Xara Ltd: page last updated 28 Apr 1997
For more information, contact webmaster@xara.com.